A review by japamela
Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden


I couldn't put this book down. Once I got to a certain point, I had to stay up way past my bedtime to see what happened.

I was warned that this book would be violent and I don't usually like descriptions of violence. The opening scene was indeed violent and I almost put the book down and walked away. However, I had read so many good things about it that I made myself push past it. And I am glad I did. There wasn't another scene of descriptive violence until near the end of the book.

There were a lot of characters and at times it was hard to remember who was who, but the author did a great job of character development. The story through Virgil's eyes was really compelling. The author didn't pain the protagonist as perfect. He was just a regular guy and seeing his world through his lens was very interesting. You really came to love Virgil and Nathan and want the best for them. The story weaved in lots of subplots, but always gave us enough information to not get lost and also not question why that part was even included. They all helped to illustrate the lives of the people in the story. What a great read. Can't recommend it enough.