A review by sarina_langer
The Light Over Broken Tide by Holly Ducarte


You know it's going to be a good year when it's only January but you already have a new favourite author <3 I usually give new authors at least two books before deciding whether they're worthy of my insta-buy list or not, but Ducarte did it in one. If you're thinking about self-publishing your debut novel this year, read this novel because this girl rocked it!

I love a main character I can connect with on a deep personal level, and Becky was that. I saw myself in her so much in so many ways (just, she's a great swimmer whereas I sink), which made this book quite personal for me and made it even easier to enjoy.

"I've always wanted magic to exist."

"A girl after my own heart," Shawn said. "But what if it does?"

Speaking of Ducarte getting personal--depression and schizophrenia are not easy subjects to tackle, and harder to do well. Ducarte smashed it. She did it so beautifully I was worried Shawn wasn't real (not saying he's not, either--no spoilers here!). The issues in this book--psychological and otherwise-- were so real it hit home big time.

This was really hard to put down for me. I always looked forward to coming back to it, and Ducarte's voice is a big part of that. It's melodic and lovely, and even poetic in places.

The banter was another strong point. I loved listening to the characters talk and argue, especially between Becky and Shawn & Becky and her father. Some of those conversations were the most realistic ones I've ever read. Ducarte dug deep into the human mind and why we do what we do, even when we know it's wrong and when we really want to but are too scared to move forward.

We're all like paper dolls. Happiest when linked to another, often unaware of our flimsiness. So easily torn. What happens when we reach out to find there's no one there to hold our hand?

How is that for an opening? #dies

I loved Becky and Shawn so much, and I'm heartbroken with how it ended. HEARTBROKEN

So, yes, this was excellent and YES, I recommend it. It's out in March and I urge you to add it to your tbr lists and snatch a copy!