A review by odin45mp
Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi


I have not read the original story that Scalzi is rebooting here, but I may have to track it down. It was a bit awkward reading this directly after The Android's Dream, as both spend some time in courts of law, but we learn a short way into this novel that the main character used to be a lawyer, so I saw it coming here.

What hooked me here was the initial meeting of the fuzzy and the main character's dog, Carl. It was beautifully written and brought a smile to my face. Scalzi made both the fuzzies and Carl believable characters through sounds, actions, and other characters' responses to then.

The main character, Jack Holloway, is in his own words not a good man, and speaks with the typical Scalzi protagonist voice (which is to say: Scalzi), but is an enjoyable lens through which to view the events as they unfold. I will reread this, and I hope to be able to compare and contrast it to the inspiration when I do.