A review by kaygray78
Mausetot: Ein Fall für Mrs. Murphy by Rita Mae Brown


The last few Sneaky Pie/Rita Mae Brown mysteries I have picked up did not hold my attention. I would get bored, flip to the end to see whodunit and then return it to the library unread.

This latest installation was much better, I didn't cheat and I finished the book in one day.

SP and RMB don't disappoint when it comes to grisly murders and the ever cutesy banter between the animals. But I found the conclusion to be confusing. I figured out who the murderer was before the end, but I might have to go back and read the confession, because I don't quite get it.

Also, I would have enjoyed the book more without the author's constant political opinions--even if I do agree with her on some of them. I found it distracting and sometimes I just want to read a lighthearted murder mystery without being preached at.