A review by maya1watson
Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty


I was enjoying this book until the end. It was all going well, albeit somewhat slow and then the two revelations were just so…disappointing.
The fact that Savannah went back to the house to get all this revenge just because each member of the family happened to be rude one day when she met them was just so odd. It didn’t make any sense. Then the whole Joy being fine thing was just so anti climactic. All the “coincidences” to make that work were also far fetched and it just made the ending so unsatisfying
the different POVs also didn’t quite work for me. It was too much and at the same time too little. It dragged the book out with irrelevant backstory, yet at the same time we didn’t really get enough character development to understand how the children were dealing with their mothers disappearance