A review by sidharthvardhan
Metamorphoses by Ovid


Best book ever. I don't know if I will every read anything better than this. It is a great and most diverse collection of stories - gods, voyages, love, war, woeing, incest, adultery, rape, revenge, unrequited love, jealousy, philosophy. You name it, Ovid has stories for them all told in most poetical manner (some of the poetical narration is still there despite the loss in translation) with only similarity that at least one thing changes form to be another in each of them.

As to crew of characters, we have Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Muses, Aphrodite, Pygmalion, Cupid,Pythagoras,Hercules, Achilles, Ulysses, Narcissus - to name a few.

I have tried my best but this book is beyond the best of review I can give.

Must read.