A review by the_dave_harmon
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame #1 by Judith Merril, C.M. Kornbluth, Murray Leinster, Lewis Padgett, Anthony Boucher, Lester del Rey, Jerome Bixby, Cordwainer Smith, Theodore Sturgeon, Fredric Brown, Richard Matheson, James Blish, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Daniel Keyes, Clifford D. Simak, Robert Silverberg, John W. Campbell Jr., A.E. van Vogt, Alfred Bester, Damon Knight, Arthur C. Clarke, Tom Godwin, Roger Zelazny, Robert A. Heinlein, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Ray Bradbury


Phew, it takes awhile to get through a long audiobook when you don't commute everyday!
(Tip: Short stories are great for intermittently heard audiobooks!)
Overall these were very good. Four or five stories were excellent, a couple were blah, most were good. Even by today's standards. Which says a lot considering these were written in the 1940s and 50s.
The best were:
Mimsy were the borogroves
Surface tension
The nine billion names of god
*It's a good life
*The cold equations
*Flowers for algernon
*A rose for Ecclesiastes