A review by thepetitepunk
Merciless Saviors by H.E. Edgmon


Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

The conclusion to this duology was just okay. I loved the grittiness and personality of the first book, which Merciless Saviors still had, but it got bogged down by confusing structure. I listened to the audiobook for both books, but something about the second one was much harder to follow with the timeline and characters, and also just flat out figuring out what was real and what was a dream. I don't think my attention was fully there for this book. I think the complexity of this book will be appealing to others, especially avid readers of fantasy, but as a casual fantasy reader, I found it confusing and tiresome. Still, I liked the writing style and found the characters interesting, so I'd definitely read more from this author.