A review by iaproton
The Art of Taking It Easy: How to Cope with Bears, Traffic, and the Rest of Life's Stressors by Brian King

Did not finish book.
Too basic,too privileged and too narcissistic,mildly funny ,repetitive and not a self help book,invalidating at times. If you have any diagnosis probably not helpful for you,maybe with the exception of sleep apnea. If you can get your stress response down by changing your thoughts then great,if you have to do it through the body skip this book and look into free online videos on tapping, trauma release exercises,somatic  experiencing and havening. 

The Google play books extended sample should give you an idea if you want to use it to send you to sleep or if it's annoying,although the free podcast Nothing much happens is much better to relax and fall asleep to imho but is a female voice. 

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