A review by qu33nofbookz
The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams


Thank you net gallery and the publisher for this book I won in a givaway

The story of two families and three lives intertwined spanning years of summer spent on an island for rich families. The stupidity of cloistered young women who are treated as decoration and make mistakes that shape the rest of their lives and the man who gets away with it all because of money and his heritage. The story dragged on a little longer then it needed but the detail was good and the characters entertaining enough. There was slow growth for them but they finally managed to come out of their shells to be wiser and more independent. However, it took place in fits and starts and didn't really take off until the end of the book. The first half of the book is slow and predictable and there was a lot that didn't need to be there as it is implied or rehashed later.

Last this story has been told before and often.