A review by booksafety
Be Still My Heart by Charlie Cochet


Book safety, content warnings, and tropes & tags down below.

Red (Russel) is the character I’ve been most excited about after reading the other two books. He’s a gentle giant, redhead, freckled, and infamous puppy eyes that can get him whatever he wants. He’s got PTSD, but he also listens to and dances to disco when cooking. I loved him. He met Laz in book 1, and they had an instant connection and good chemistry which definitely kept going in this one. These books are just straight up easy entertainment. Fun, hot and, atleast in this one, a better mystery/suspense than in book 1.

Greg Boudreaux did a fantastic job on the audiobook as usual.

Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Bodyguard, murder attempt, fashion photographer, private security, PTSD, nightmares, therapy, miscommunication (nothing absolutely horrible), asshole ex boyfriend, forced proximity, friends to lovers

⚠️⚠️ Content warning ⚠️⚠️
Cheating ex boyfriend (not on-page)
Abusive ex boyfriend
Attempted murder
Explicit sexual content
Recalling war situation

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Book safety ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Cheating: No
OM drama: Yes, mildly
Third-act breakup: Almost?
POV: 3rd person, dual POV
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles