A review by josiahdegraaf
Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story by K.M. Weiland


I've read several books on writing before, including ones on story structure.

This book beats them all.


Excellent advice on the overall story structure. I was familiar with the Three-Act structure before, as well as various ways of looking at it, such as Vogler's/Campbell's mythical writer's journey concepts. In my opinion, however, this book presents a much better structure that applies to more stories than Vogler's structure.

The wealth of examples used in the book does a lot in order to make all the concepts easily understandable--as well as seeing how well each of them work.

Scene structure was also excellent. I'd read a blog post before by Weiland about the whole scene-sequel idea/progression. But this book did an excellent job in introducing these concepts that I wasn't familiar with and showing how both of them matter, and how to do it well.


While Weiland addresses areas how this advice applies to "pantsers" as well, IMO, this book is really most applicable to plotters. As a plotter, this book was amazingly beneficial for me. But I'm not sure it would help as much if I were a pantser.


This book presents a great way of doing story structure that works really well. It's convinced me to try to follow this structure for future books that I work on. Highly recommended to anyone looking at delving more into story structure.

5 stars.