A review by scenicreading
The Courtship of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton


LAME! (also spoilers) I've been enjoying reading my way through Star Wars books, and I love Leia, so I was excited for this one. Unfortunately, Leia was such one-dimensional character in this book it made me sick. She is written so wishy-washily throughout the whole book. She doesn't love Han; she likes this other guy, she's going to go back to his planet with him, she doesn't know what she's going to do. We get very little insight into the thought processes going on in her head and it ultimately seems like there are no thoughts there. Her and Han have been together for three years at this point, wouldn't you think that she would have some strong feelings about maybe breaking it off and marrying this other guy?

Han is a jackass. Seeing that Leia might marry someone else his first thoughts "I need to become rich so she likes me again." Way to reduce the woman you love to a gold digger. Again, you've been with her for three years; you should maybe know her better than that and be less surprised when it doesn't work. Having failed at that he kidnaps her. Not just tricking her into going away somewhere private with him. He uses The Gun of Command, which disables her thought processes, eliminates her of her own free will, and forces her to follow his commands. Classy.

Hypocrisy: Han and Leia end up on a planet where women rule society and kidnap men to become husbands. This is portrayed as completely barbaric. Again, Han literally just did the same thing, and it's way less accepted in his society.

There is a host of other characters who do about faces at the end of the book and end up behaving in a completely different manner than their personalities up to that point would indicate that they should, but they certainly don't matter as much. This book was about the relationship between Han and Leia, but it totally failed to do either of them justice as characters.