A review by emilyboxcox
Dating an Alien Pop Star by Kendra L. Saunders


Being a Roswell native, I love aliens, little, green and otherwise. so I really, really, really like the particular brand of alien found in Saunders' DATING AN ALIEN POP STAR!
Alien love, all the way, Earthlings...all the way.

Not only is the plot unique and the writing light and starry-skied, but Griffin and Devon are not your typical aliens, nor are they your typical strapping young galaxy knights in shining armor. They have issues and, somehow, those issues make them all the more adorable, and (pardon the pun) out of this world. :)

DATING AN ALIEN POP STAR is a romp of a read and if you don't like aliens now, you 'll have your eye on the sky after reading this book!