A review by thebritishbibliophile
Dr. Off Limits by Louise Bay


'A delightful workplace romance that's as passionate in scrubs as out of them. Paging book lovers, Dr Cove will see you now' - TheBritishBibiliophile_

Thank you to Wildfire Marketing Solutions for sending me an ebook ARC for me to read and leave an honest review.

How it is a welcome home to Louise Bay with not only a brand new read, but a brand new read within a brand new series! Dr. Off Limits is the first book in Louise Bay's Doctors series. A series which thus far, will focus on romance within the workplace between a boss--a doctor--and his employee. Forbidden, but sweet.

If you're already familiar and a fan of Louise Bay, you might see an appearance from a few characters from a previous series of hers. *Cough cough*, the Mister series. I won't spoil as to who they may be--as it will be nice for you to discover that as you read--, but it was a welcome surprise to see a few familiar faces. It ties an 'old' series into this new one, beautifully.

First and foremost, Dr. Off Limits is an immediate must read for its workplace, boss/employee tropes. There are certain tropes wherein you can only read once, get tired of easily or grow bored of if overused. The workplace, boss/employee tropes aren't any of those. There are countless and endless ways of bringing two characters together as boss and employee, and in this novel we are at the mercy of the delicious Dr. Cove and his 'employee', Sutton Scott. The two meet under normal social circumstances. She's his blind date, he's a filler-in for someone else. Under the impression of one night only, Sutton takes up "Beau's" offer, and spends just the one night with him. Dr. One Night stand.

Only, fate and her cruel hand decide to play her cards by throwing the two of them together under slightly less-normal--and unexpected--circumstances. Freshly into her new job, "Beau" turns up and her once delicious one-night-stand fruit, has turned into the forbidden. Both Dr. Cove and Sutton have their reasons for keeping personal and professional separate, but as their desire grows within the proximity of their medical department, those reasons seem less and less a priority to what is bubbling and growing between them as they resist temptation.

Sutton needs to find a cure to resist Dr. Off Limits, and fast.

Dr. Off Limits is a delightful, delicious, romantically-forbidden will they/won't they read in the most prestigious of London hospitals that has thrown two people who were clearly meant to be, together, at the wrong time. Or so they think. Time is both their friends and their enemy, and the time these two spend together both in and out of the hospital, is far from spent resisting what they both want as after all, fate is never wrong. And fate knew what it was doing when these two solo paths, crossed.

Injected into this novel is something I always appreciate and admire an author for, humour. Yes steam and all the 'good stuff' is tempting to write and make dominant--pun intended--in a novel, I always appreciate a book that can make me laugh and/or smile. The chemistry between Dr. Cove & Sutton and the Cove family provided plenty of laughing and smiling moments, so thank you Louise!

Eagerly awaiting to see where this series takes us, and where our next doctor--Dr. Perfect, aka Zach Cove--also takes us. After all, isn't it best to get a second opinion? *Wink wink*

Five stars!