A review by openmypages
Beyond the Shadowed Earth by Joanna Ruth Meyer


“After that, gods keep you.”
No, Eda thought, gods beware of me.”


Beyond the Shadowed Earth is an epic story of pride, greed and ego.  When Eda ascends the throne she does so through deception and a poorly thought out deal with a god.  The book is split into three parts and during the first book, I felt like that person in the back of the theater during a slasher movie, screaming “don’t open that door!” Eda is young and ambitious but is not wise and it shows. Squabbling between her advisors and ill advised friendships have her life in turmoil. But her faith in her god and his word is strong. The naivety of youth really bites back for this poor haughty soul.


“It is our choices that make us, Edna. What we choose to do with the things the gods give us.”

By part 2 – Eda’s poorly chosen alliances have burnt her and she is left with nothing but a taste for vengeance. Her faith is demolished and she means to exact revenge for the turn of fortune she has received. Her Frodo-like journey begins to the Circles beyond the World to confront the god who has seemingly forsaken her. I enjoyed the journey and some of the other worldly creatures that she encounters. But, I’m not sure if she learned her lesson about trusting people too quickly. I also feel like in general when faced with adversity the answer always popped up a little quicker than I’d like.


“Just take care, my dear, that thing you think you’re seeking is not the thing you actually find.”


In part 3, all is revealed. We begin to understand how Eda’s origins have impacted the course of her life and journey. She has an amazing character arc and the story wraps up in a beautiful satisfying way.
All this book was missing was a map! I loved the world and its complexity but dang did I wish I had a beautiful map to be referring to along the way.  There was even a whole chapter in a map shop and it had me longing for one HARD!
I don’t know why more people aren’t buzzing about this book, if you love fantasy built around a world of petty, vengeful gods and naïve, stubborn humans then you should pick this one up! It gets 4.5 stars from me.