A review by nikkibd4033
Every Day is an Atheist Holiday by Penn Jillette


I'm sitting here wondering if I'm really giving a book by Penn Jillette five stars. And the answer is, yes I most definitely am. I can hardly believe it myself. My expectations for this book were low. Even though I'm an atheist like Jillette, I sometimes find him annoying and abrasive on his show Penn and Teller's Bullshit!

But I defy any person of any religion to open their religious books and find any that contain as much joy, love, and appreciation for life that Jillette shows in this book.

And maybe I'm just feeling sentimental because my mother died less than a month ago, and Jillette writes so openly and honestly about his feelings for his parents and his children. Sentiment or no, Jillette's views on parenthood often had me in tears, and his sentiments on having been on Celebrity Apprentice had me laughing. Laughing and crying in one book? Five stars with no regrets.