A review by martha_schwalbe
Surviving Santiago by Lyn Miller-Lachmann


Given the the title, I wanted to love this book. It was okay.
The plot moved and the basic idea had potential.
My disappointment in the book was that I never really felt like I left Wisconsin and I didn't get to know the characters very well. While the story was supposed to take place in Chile and the characters were Chilean, as a white, American, I never felt that another part of the world was being revealed to me (one of my main reasons for reading).
The aunt, Ileana, is an architect but we never get to see her work or visit her buildings, although several references are made, that we might. Entering and leaving any of the buildings is the same as I might enter and leave mine.
Historically, the reader doesn't learn much about the revolution either.
I guess I would recommend this book to readers who like gone-bad romances. It's not on my top-ten for NYRA.