A review by joyco68
Pyramid Scheme by Dave Freer, Eric Flint


In the mash-up genre of sci-fi/fantasy and comedy this is just middling. It's funny enough at times and the characters are quite likable, but the story is preposterous and the writing is just choppy. It almost seems as if the editor dropped the copy on the floor and only picked up 50% of the pages to put into the final edition.

"Rats, Bats and Vats," which is by the same authors was much better. The characters were better developed and the story flowed smoothly, with enough "world-building" that you had a good picture of what was going on.

I was reminded strongly of Neil Gaiman's "American Gods," and Dan Simmons' "Illium," while reading Pyramid Scheme (Old Gods and Greek Gods figure heavily in all three books), although Illium is not intended as a comedy.