A review by abailey410
Fully Ignited by Shannon Stacey


review published at Jack of All Trades, Master of None : http://wp.me/pWRs7-ZC

This book was a fun, sexy, sweet 4 star read. I loved all the different relationships in this book so much. It was nice to be able to get into the firefighting world a little more. I also really liked that Jaime was the superior and they way that they handled their relationship in a mature and drama free way. This book is my favorite so far in the series.

My Thoughts
We get to learn more about Scott in this book. From the other books in the series we have learned that he is a little bit of a playboy, a major hot head and mouthwatering hot. We also learned that he is tired of dating all the wrong women and is ready to settle down a little and find what the guys call his "TV wife", you know the "Wife in the aprons and pearls, making dinner while helping the kids do their homework. Meeting him at the door with his slippers and all that." I really liked Scott he was a good guy, a great friend and an amazing brother not only to his family but his Firefighter family.

Jaime Rutherford is the new temporary lieutenant of Engine 59, and a woman. I was originally worried that her being a woman was going to be a more sexist issue in the book, but was incredibly happy that all the guys she worked with respected her and treated her no different. It was refreshing to see in a book. I loved Jaime. She was a kickass woman, but was still respected and had a killer sense of humor. She was able to balance her work and life with an enviable ease.

When these two first met at the firehouse sparks flew off the page. From that first meeting the chemistry was off the charts and as much as they tried to ignore the attraction it just seemed to keep growing. So they do what any rational mature grownups would do... Not fight it any longer. I really enjoyed their relationship and even more when the whole family found out. I was a lot mad and disappointed in Scott for pushing Jamie away in the worst (non-cheating) way possible, but communication issues were my only real hangup with this story. I loved every aspect of it. My favorite parts were when they were hanging out around the fire house or going on calls. You really got to feel like you were a part of the crew and that was amazing. I highly recommend picking up this fun, sexy and smart romance.

A review copy was provided by Netgalley for an honest review.