A review by fringebookreviews
Heartless by Kat Martin


✨This was definitely an early-2000s, Y2KindaIckyAndTotallyCringey kind of romance✨

While it has one of my favorite historical romance covers, I finished this one completely exhausted and not entirely satisfied. There was just too much mistrust and self-doubt on both sides of that relationship. According to Ariel, Justin’s eyes flashed with so many “hidden” emotions throughout the book they could direct traffic. However, I was never fully convinced of her love for him or his decency.

There was a love triangle that wasn’t even a love triangle because one side of it is floppy and ugly and completely wretched and it makes another side of the triangle look like a complete and utter fool for even deigning to respond to his disgusting letters and grant him any amount of dignity, while the final side is too focused on saying he can’t love anything rather than sitting down and shutting up for long enough to hear how ridiculous he sounds.

Oh Barbara you venomous bitch, you cowardly cur, you absolute leech! I really wanted her to suffer far worse than she did. I also wanted Justin to kick her to the curb sans cute nephew. Oh and Phillip I wanted you to suffer more but at least you knew what was coming to you at least a little bit, you poisonous lout.

I can’t believe he just let his grandmother sit there alone. Are we not going to mention how none of his family ever visited her? When she sets out lovely China and serves a huge meal? She’s that poor fricken grandpa on Twitter! The fact that they didn’t snatch her up right away and make her visit right then ruined me. Justin didn’t earn any brownie points with that whole fiasco.

I like the POV switches from the main characters it always ups the drama but man did I get angry. I kept reading the dialogue like those early-2000s overly-dramatic anti-piracy commercials in black and white. The writing was fine but I really got lost in the morally questionable characters. I know I’m supposed to like Clayton but a sixteen-year-old? Oh the charms of early-2000s romance. Let alone, the entire bargain made with that nasty earl. It just really didn’t seem all that romantic to me on any side of the di. Ariel also found herself in love with Justin way too quickly, though I much preferred that to her disastrous notions about Phillip.

Reader, I’m torn. I’m not sure if I want to read book two, as I am intrigued as to how Clayton and Kit will get on but am also weary of the drama. The steam wasn’t all that fantastic and I think if it would’ve been great I definitely would have read book two. Also why not call it Worthless??? Such a missed opportunity. I’m also intrigued as to if we get the story of that duke maybe in a third book. Ugh! I hate how curious I am even when I’m not a huge fan of a book; I always think the second will get me.
