A review by scribepub
Happy Never After: why the happiness fairytale is driving us mad by Jill Stark

A moving, insightful analysis of our collective pain and how we can heal. Australia needs this book.
Johan Hari, Author of Lost Connections

Funny, wise, poignant and compelling, Happy Never After is a brilliant intersection between searing personal experience and the wisdom of the elders: nothing brings us closer to despair than the relentless pursuit of our own happiness.
Hugh Mackay, Author of The Good Life

Faced with the crippling paralysis that comes with anxiety and depression, Jill Stark doesn’t completely crumple. Instead, she does what a good journalist does: looks it directly in the face in order to explain, investigate, and reveal. Anyone who reads this book who lives with anxiety will be a beneficiary of its courage and clarity.
Benjamin Law, Author of Gaysia and The Family Law

By looking back on her childhood, interviewing experts and amassing anecdotal data, Stark expertly links her lifelong struggle with anxiety with a collective social malaise that is exacerbated by our constant connectivity, underfunded mental healthcare systems and the pervasive ‘happiness myth’ … The book’s resounding takeaway that there are multiple ‘happy-in-betweens’ instead of one ‘happy-ever-after’ is an uplifting and liberating one. 

Extraordinary … Stark address[es] this vexed question of what effect our over-stimulated, almost constantly wired brains are having on our sense of well-being.

This is a book we need. Highly, highly recommended. Puts a deft finger on many things that I guarantee have been quietly troubling you for a while. A book for our times.
Susan Carland, author of Fighting Hislam: Women, Faith and Sexism

Exploratory and explanatory.
Miriam Cosic, The Saturday Age