A review by peggyemi
Death at High Tide: An Island Sisters Mystery by Hannah Dennison


This is the first book I've read by the author Hannah Dennison and for me, it was a miss. I enjoy cozy mysteries that are character-driven. I can usually overlook other things in a series as long as I find the characters likable, engaging, or quirky. When I click with a character I will keep returning for each new book in a series. Unfortunately, I just couldn't connect with these characters. I just didn't like the main characters all that much to care about the story. I also thought the secondary characters were flat as well. As a result, I struggled to get through this book and found myself picking up others to read and then trying to return to this one.

I did like the setting. The hotel on the island off the coast of England allows the author a lot of potential for the plot of this book as well as future installments. I also thought the mystery was solid. This was the part of the story I enjoyed. I thought the author laid out the clues well and provided the reader with a lot of viable suspects.

As I said at the beginning, what keeps me connected to a series are the characters. I just didn't connect with the characters in this book. Perhaps with a bit of retooling and tweaking the author would be able to create some dimensional characters that would engage me as a reader.

This wasn't a bad start to a series, it just wasn't for me and that's okay.

I voluntarily read a digital advanced copy provided to me by the publisher through Netgalley.