A review by sjj169
Townhouse by Brian Rowe


I like a good horror book every so often, mostly in October. So I had recieved this one from Netgalley and thought it would be the perfect time for it.
Sarah and Max have decided since they had sex and Sarah became pregnant that they will try and have a go of it and rent out a townhouse in North Hollywood. Sarah's character is about the most whiney, self centered person I've seen in a book in a while. Nothing makes this woman happy. Not being pregnant, not her job as a writer, and not even her friends. She decides and older man in the complex is a creeper and she completely goes into watching him mode.
This was an ok book until about half way through then began to feel rushed and all over the place.
P>S. If you are squeamish it would probably be safe to say to stay away from this book but then I think I'll go with if you have a thinking brain I would probably stay away from it.