A review by trisha_thomas
The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen


"I press my palm to his and I swear the earth stops, because this moment is the beginning of forever."

It was great to see Ella start to deal with some of her crap. and to make the (very wise) decision taht she needed to get better before she could be good to anyone.

and Micha- he's cute and sweet and everything

but this book was just meh for me. I did love their chemistry - but I was much more intrigued by Ethan and Lila and their little hints than I was wondering what would happen with Ellan & Micha.

and I'm not gonna lie. I need book III or a spin off series to be about Ethan and Lila. And I need it to go ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way back to the day they met.
Please!??! Because I want to know why Ethan is gratful for easy clasp red lacy bras and why Lila is grateful for Candy canes.

I'm just sayin'...please!!