A review by shazov
Cake by Derekica Snake


Wow... just...wow!

This is not an easy read, not by a long shot. It's brutal, harsh, even cruel. Definitely non con. Yet, in maybe a strange and twisted way, it's not all about that. There is a relationship that is building. And while some might call it a "Stockholm syndrome" and will scoff at the idea of love coming from a relationship that starts with rape... well it is fiction after all as well.

But, setting that debate aside, this is a book that draws you (well me at least) in. Once I had started, I couldn't put it down. I wanted to know what was going to happen.

So, whilst it's not perfect...the beginning is a bit slow, and the latter half a bit crowded, it's still a book that has grabbed me and isn't letting go. I will definitely reread this at some point in time.