A review by jasminenoack
I Read Where I Am: Exploring New Information Cultures by Andrew Blauvelt, Geert Lovink, Minke Kampman


Cool I'm the first person to review this book.

So I shop a good amount and almost every saturday I go book shopping, a few weeks ago I was around downtown manhattan later than usual so I couldn't make it to the strand before closing so instead I went to st. marks bookstore, the thing about places like st marks isn't so much that they have tons of great independent fiction (they don't have more than the barnes and noble I work at) it's that they have some choice books that are sort of out there things that you don't run across other places and their right up front. I was going to buy some other book on new media, I just went through my phone and it doesn't look like I took a picture of it so who knows what it was. I've bought stuff on new media studies there before like [b:Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary|2625125|Electronic Literature New Horizons for the Literary (ND Ward Phillips Lectures)|N. Katherine Hayles|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266975906s/2625125.jpg|2649806] from their critical theory section. I bought this book because I thought it was beautiful, and it is the design is great, but would you expect any less from the graphic design museum. It reminds me a lot of the [b:Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?: The Net's Impact on Our Minds and Future|9677443|Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think? The Net's Impact on Our Minds and Future|John Brockman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1291652148s/9677443.jpg|14565322] but the perspective is a bit different these are people who are invested in images, in the internet, in new media not simply scientists that may or may not care, they all read very young. But it's a lot of great really short perspectives.

all the essays are here http://www.ireadwhereiam.com/ I believe if you'd like to take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbow.

moving on, reading this I took pictures when I found something I really liked, I could look at these then talk about them, but what kind of new media review would that be?