A review by nixerix
Two Little Girls in Blue by Mary Higgins Clark


I would give this 3.5 stars. This book is unique in that the culprits (three of the four), the crime and the victims are all laid out and known to the reader almost immediately. It hooks you in the first 10 pages and wastes no time getting right into the action. It's a hell of a way to keep you hooked, even though this isn't written in a typical fashion. You're still compelled to keep reading to find out more.

This is a double edged sword too, however, as the book becomes less interesting as it goes on. There were a lot of side characters introduced and elaborated on in much more detail than I thought was necessary. With that being said, the version I've read only ended up being about 320 pages, so it's not *that* long. Most of the book involves the characters within trying to find the identity of the culprits and to bring them to justice. As a reader, the only real "mystery" is the fourth bad guy who is never revealed right from the get-go. It switches perspectives between victims and criminals in a way that isn't complicated or difficult to follow.

I think the way that this is written is unique and engaging. It was easy to read and it moved at a solid, fast pace. Switching between different perspectives is sometimes tiresome, but I think it was done well here. The story isn't confusing, doesn't have massive holes and isn't left with any loose ends. On the flip side, the most interesting aspect of the book to me (the telepathy aspect) wasn't pulled off very well which was disappointing. The characters are neither likeable or unlikable, I would define them as unremarkable. With so many side characters having small roles thrown in, it hurt my enjoyability of the book a little bit. The identity of the last criminal at the end wasn't all that exciting, which stinks considering that it was really the only mystery left to the reader. Overall it is a good read, but certainly nothing that "wowed" me.