A review by zinelib
Bad Mormon by Heather Gay

funny hopeful medium-paced


I hadn't watched a minute of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City when I read/listened to this book. I watched about ten after I finished it, and all in all, the book is better. Heather Gay is a Mormon from a long line of Mormons, who hits the Mormon jackpot when she marries a similarly Mormonic Mormon, who is also from a wealthy family (funded in large part by Howard Hughes's estate because he was buddies with a Gay ancestor). 

It's a fun listen about a woman who grows up in a strong (and magical) belief system as she begins to realize that she doesn't fully support the values with which she was raised, not to mention her vow of obedience upon marriage, cuz men are All That in Mormonism, and women should just shut up about it. Luckily Heather has a lotta gumption!