A review by paisleypikachu
Now, Then, and Everywhen by Rysa Walker


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This book was provided by the publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Way back in 2014, I stumbled across a little book called Timebound. This was in the peak of my Doctor Who/time travel loving days, so a YA time travel book with a love triangle(oh the glory days)? I was all about it, and I fell in love. The Chronos Files books are still some of my favorites, in both print and audio format, so when I found out that Rysa Walker was writing an origin story for the Chronos organization I knew I had to read it. And wow, I can't tell you how good it felt to be back in the world of Chronos while reading Now, Then, and Everywhen! This book was a blast, with so much that I loved from the original series, a new cast of characters that are to die for, and all the glorious time travel a nerd could ask for.

Now, Then, and Everywhen alternates points of view between Maddie in 2136 and Tyson in 2304, with news clippings and diary entries interspersed between. I loved both of their storylines, and honestly can't pick a favorite. I never found myself in a rush to get back to one or the other's chapters. They were both so entertaining and dynamic, with clear voices. The different groups of characters surrounding the two main characters were also really well done, adding different personalities to the story. Getting to see a few favorites(and not-so-much favorites) from the first series was also a real treat.

The story of this one had all of the attention to detail that made me fall in love with Walker's writing years ago. So much history! And normally history bores me to death, but the way it's presented in this book is just so much fun to read. I felt like I was absorbing facts without even realizing it. And the time travel aspect is so well done. Time travel in books always tends to make my brain hurt to some extent, but the way it's presented here makes for effortless reading, I love it. This story was so much fun, and the way old things tied in and new threads began tying together was fantastic.

The only thing keeping this book from reaching five stars for me is that I do feel like some who haven't read the original series might have a hard time keeping up at some points. I've read The Chronos Files, but it's been a few years, and there were moments where I felt like I should be remembering something from those books, some plot point or character, but couldn't quite recall it. I honestly wish I'd done a reread marathon before starting this one. It didn't affect my experience too much, but might for others who haven't read those books. The world building is exquisite though, really setting itself up on its own, and the story doesn't rely on the other books to the point where it's detrimental. So if you're okay with maybe having a few moments where it feels like you're missing out on something in the background, then I'd say it's safe to read this book without having read any of the others.

Now, Then, and Everywhen is a delightful journey through time, with all the heart and emotion that I find lacking in a lot of the sci-fi I try to read. With an ending that left me begging for just a few more pages, I'll be eagerly waiting for the next installment. Rysa Walker has become my go to recommendation for anyone wanting to brave the time travel genre, and her writing never ceases to amaze me.

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