A review by booksaremytherapy
The Five Stages of Courting Dalisay Ramos by Melissa de la Cruz


Melissa de la Cruz's "The Five Stages of Courting Dalisay Ramos" is a delightful romantic comedy that dives into Filipino culture. The story follows Evan Saatchi, who is immediately smitten with his new colleague, Dalisay Ramos. Dalisay, newly arrived from Manila to head their company's Asia division, values tradition and family deeply. When Evan asks her out, she turns him down, setting him on a path through the traditional Filipino courtship rituals known as the Five Stages.

One of the story's strengths is its depiction of Filipino customs and family expectations, offering readers a fascinating glimpse into this culture. This aspect is both educational and entertaining, making it a unique addition to the rom-com genre.
However, some scenes feel truncated, with interactions between Evan and Dalisay implied rather than shown, which left me wanting more. Additionally, the third act breakup felts very frustrating and a not needed disruption.

Overall, Melissa de la Cruz has crafted a charming romantic comedy that celebrates cultural heritage and the complexities of modern love. Fans of the genre will find much to love in this sweet, insightful, and entertaining story. Don't miss out on this delightful journey through the five stages of Filipino courtship.