A review by timinbc
The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis


Hmm. This book came VERY close to a two-star rating, because the world is not lacking in stories of plucky women on ships or airships, showing a sexist hierarchy that they are good. The fop observer is nothing new either, and for a while we plod along with these stock pieces.

But gradually, we see that our Cap'n really is competent (JUST short of Mary Sue level) and there may be hope for the fop, and there's some good banter to keep it all moving.
There's character development. There's plausible action, although I wasn't too sure about the ending, where a battle with apparent odds of infinity-to-2000 turns on
Spoilerthe arrival of a handful of people with pistols and swords

And really, is it necessary for the elder Fieren to be such a total, utter and complete ass? Bennis does give him a few small areas of military competence, but otherwise he's ludicrous.

This is one of many similar books. Cherie Priest's books come to mind. But it's above average.
I'll read the next one.