A review by dharris
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates


This was a book that came across my radar, unexpectedly. I had never even heard of this book until it came across my radar. However, I'm very glad it did.

This book is raw, unfiltered, and true emotion. I feel it was passionately written from a father to a son, about what it was like and still is like, to be a black man in America. Even though I hate that this was the experience of the author, I know it's his truth, and probably many others too. This book had a way of making me feel uncomfortable, and really helped me to understand the privileges that have been granted to me, for nothing other than my skin color.

As someone who grew up with a rough background, the culture of growing up in a poor neighborhood didn't surprise me at all. Not as many differences between being poor as you may think (just my truth). What surprised me was that no matter how successful you become, or how much you remove yourself from that situation, the racism that has embedded itself into this country's founding, can still take down the most successful and affluent African American person. This is something foreign to white folks, and a key difference between poor white, and poor black. As stated in the book, " your only one act of racism away." I never thought when I was a young poor kid that there wasn't hope, because I knew if I worked hard and did well, I would be successful. The author goes to great links to vividly express that this isn't his experience, and I imagine this is true for many other minorities as well. This truth startled me, and should startle us all, but it truly has given me a better perspective. I can see why this is on the list for books every white person should read. I would highly recommend.