A review by girlgotnoidentity
17 First Kisses by Rachael Allen


This sweet tale shows different kinds of love to a sixteen-year-old high school girl living in a small town. 17 First Kisses is a fun-filled journey of the young that I will not soon forget.

This novel is a very light read, indeed. My reading process, I can attest, is very fun since my smile never wavers the whole time I am reading this. It is like relieving in high school moments in my head, only this time the story involves more drama.

I like how it is very simple but very true and close to me all at the same time. I can really feel the connection between the characters especially of the friendship of Claire, Megan, Amberly, and even Britney. Although my favorite character will always be Amberly. In Amberly, I witness both the versatility of a certain character and a strong kind of person. I love how her character is made only for the story because she suits perfectly for it. I totally love this Amberly girl. (If given the chance I will befriend a girl like her a million times.) Even if she is given a limited chance to show more of her characteristics, I kind of understand because that only gives me the ability to dig deeper into her personality with my own imagination. Also, I commend Rachael Allen for creating all of her characters differently and creatively. If I will be able to write something fictitious, I will never get to the level of her creativity in creating characters. She offers only perfect and solid characters, I promise.

Although as I mentioned above, this story is very simple in all sense of the word, I cannot help but admire how strong the plot is. During my reading, I was very amazed by how Mrs. Allen can bring me to the past events and then the next to the present time and in a somehow magical way, makes me think of the future events as well. Wow to her.

My favorite scene is (this is very hard decision to make because I love her narration of the ‘Kisses #’ so there you go) when Amberly and Claire got to have the time only for them, just to talk things up aside from girly things and focuses on the things that really matter the most in life. This made me realize a lot of things going on in my life right now: that sometimes, the last person in our mind that we can talk to can be the greatest one to talk to. That friendship will never be measured by how long, by the things friends share with each other, by the stories, by the laughter, and the tears, but by the mere presence and loyalty, they have especially in times of need. Also, that scene makes me want to call all of my friends, especially my high school friends, and ask them all out for a coffee-make up session. That will always be a strong scene for me that has the ability to capture the heart of its readers.

I already fall in love with this novel because why not. The scenes and the story are all close to me, the love, friendship, family, and life narration it offers closely hit home as well. I could not think of a single thing that this novel and I are not with any connection, because to be fair and to be honest, everyone will feel at home reading thiswhenever and wherever they may be.

I assure future readers that this young adult novel is so sweet, light, and sincere. It offers life: friendships, family, high school life, and of course love. People who knew me by heart know that I have a love-hate relationship with YA novels, and I kind of rant when I ended up not liking the story, but with this one, I can attest that this is just so sweet to rant. I laughed so hard, I cried at some point. I relieve memories and cherish them as well. This novel is worth the drama (if you know what I mean) and I will never be afraid to fall in love again and again with this.