A review by peggyemi
Word to the Wise by Jenn McKinlay


I binged this series earlier this year to catch up so I would be ready when this book came out. I was fortunate enough to be approved for an ARC through Edelweiss. I think this book has to be one of my favorites in the series. It is fast-paced and will keep the reader engaged from start to finish. In this 10th book, the reader finds Lindsey and Sully preparing for their winter wedding. However, as usually happens in this series, a wrench is thrown into their plans by a new resident who becomes a stalker and Lindsey is his target. The characters in this series are well developed by this point and all very likable. I love how diverse they are in age, experience, and background. They make a terrific group and complement each other in various ways just when it is needed the most. I like the relationship between Sully and Lindsey. He is protective without being cloying and he gives Lindsey advice without coming across as controlling but rather just a man looking out for the woman he loves. I even liked how the author had developed the friendship between Sully and Robbie.

I thought the mystery in the book was excellent. Lindsey's stalker is found murdered outside the library and Sully is the prime suspect. There are plenty of twists and turns throughout the story to keep the reader guessing as to the identity or identities of the killer. I also appreciate that Lindsey is one of those characters who doesn't go, rogue when investigating. She is level-headed and keeps the chief of police informed along the way.

This is a terrific series and I am looking forward to more to come. I voluntarily read a digital ARC provided to me by the publisher through Edelweiss.