A review by questingthroughpages
One by One by Freida McFadden


Thank you the publisher and netgalley for this digital copy!

Claire is thrilled to go on a trip with her husband and two other couples until the car breaks down in a forest, and suddenly they are struck down one by one.
The point of view switches between Claire and Anonymous. One of the first things we learn about Anonymous is that they are planning for only one of the six to survive the journey.

This was an easy five-star read for me! I was immediately hooked and could not put the book down. I kept trying to figure out who the killer was based on the hints in the Anonymous chapters and everything that happens during their time in the forest, but Freida McFadden makes sure everyone seems suspicious, and that’s why I changed my mind all the time of who I thought Anonymous was. I particularly enjoyed the Anonymous chapters, it was interesting to slowly learn about the killers past and motives. I liked that even after we learn the truth of the killer, there is still a small mystery about what happens after the book ends.
I had a really fun time reading this book, and I can’t wait to read more of Freida McFadden’s other books!