A review by thatbooknerd__
A Break of Day by Bella Forrest


Book Review - A Shade of Vampire: A Break of Day by Bella Forrest
This is the conclusion to Sofia and Derek's journey. Derek is trying to find his wife Sofia, after she gave birth. Derek has one of his twins, Rose but someone snatched the other, Ben. So Derek is trying to find them to reunite his family. There are so many possibilities to where Sofia could have been taken that he doesn't know where to start. As for looking for his son, Ben, he has no idea at all where he could of been taken too.

I don't think I have a favourite character because they are all amazing in this series and I love them all. My best character is Vivienne. I loved her from when we first meet her at the start of this series. She has got to be my favourite because she has been through a lot but is still fighting for her family. Nothing can break her and I would love to have her as a best friend. She is a lovely vivid character with a great personality and I would love to know her myself! :) LOL
The characters felt very real to me. I cried and laughed with this book, I cried when Vivenne finally realised she loved Xavier, but thought he was dead, it broke my heart. I laughed after Vivienne and Xavier got married and everyone got on stage and started kissing along with them. I cried because Ashley had lost Sam. She is a lovely girl. I loved this series from the start and have been patiently waiting for each book to come out at a time.
The one thing I have loved about this series is that every book keeps you guessing. You can never predict what is going to happen and if you try to it will more then likely be the opposite of what you thought.
My favourite part of the book was when Sofia had changed back into a human again and went to breastfeed her babies for the first time. She has Derek holding her while she is breastfeeding, what a perfect moment after all they have been through. I also loved the last chapter about Kiev, I can not wait to find out more about him in the next book. I'm very intrigued by him.
All of this book was written well for me, I experienced the emotions with the characters and loved every minute of reading it.
This book like the rest in the series has kept me gripped and wanting more. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down and I finished within a day and had a late night reading session with it! :)

I love love LOVED this book. I wish there would be more on Sofia and Derek but I know they got the ending they deserved and what a great ending it was for them!
Everyone needs to read this book! I would recommend to anyone that likes reading! LOL
This book just can not be compared to any other!

This book gets 5 out of 5 STAR Rating.

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Happy reading everyone!