A review by bergelicious818
Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston


"May the stars keep you steady, and the iron keep you safe."

-Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston

I LOVED this book you guys! I was very skeptical going in because I had heard that this edition specifically contained a lot of typos and grammatical errors, plus I'm not generally a huge sci-fi reader, but honestly none of that mattered at all. This was a great book! It was fast paced and constantly moving forward. It was written in a series of POVs, which can sometimes become annoying but I thought that each character had such a distinct voice and their personalities were really able to come through.

This story is supposed to be an Anastasia retelling, except in space, and also Dimitri is a robot named D09. The story definitely includes the major aspects of Anastasia but also throws in its own little twists. The world building was pretty good, although there were times when I felt confused because I didn't have all of the information necessary for me to understand why something was happening. I feel like Poston was attempting to avoid an infodump on how the world works, but I feel like she left things out at certain parts that should've been included in order to allow the reader to better understand what was happening.

Ana was a strong willed and snarky badass of a character. She had the tendency to be whiny at times, but I found her to be generally likable and relatable. D09, who is affectionately nicknamed Di, is Ana's love interest. As a robot, Di isn't supposed to have any feelings, but damage to his memory core is causing him to develop...something (not exactly feelings since he's incapable of that, but its clear he begins to care about her) for Ana, our main character. I thought that their romantic story was incredibly complex and interesting. The ending of this book KILLED me because of the huge plot twist involving their relationship. The other romantic relationship is a homosexual one between Jax, the sassy Solani pilot (my favorite character) and Robb, the rich Ironblood who cannot escape his ruthless family , which had me so goddamn excited. Homosexual relationships were featured throughout the book, which I was living for. I don't appreciate the instalove between Jax and Robb, but I do think they're cute and work well.

All in all, I thought this was a great book. The characters were diverse, interesting and distinctive. The worldbuilding was interesting and smoothly incorporated the aspects of Anastasia into it's futuristic feel. The romances were complex, cute and representative. The ending destroyed me in the best way possible and left me so excited for the next book!