A review by luvfiction96
The Witch Is Back by H.P. Mallory


One Word : Yummy!
These books are just that Yummy! I love everything that comes from the desk of H.P. Mallory. The Jolie Wilkins books are are so very entertaining and her characters make you love and drool over them.
In The Witch is Back Jolie is Thrown back in time before she ever meets Rand her true love. This isn't the first time in the series that we have seen time travel but it didn't get boring or overplayed H.P. made it fit just right. As a fan and reader of all of these books I must say getting to see Jolie with Sinjin even for just a little while was a tasty treat. I don't know about any of you but I have always wanted to read a steamy scene between Sinjin and Jolie without having it totally screw up the awesome relationship between Rand and Jolie. I am and will remain team Rand he may be a bit stuffy at times but man his descriptions just make me want to take him on ice cream cone style (lick him). You know for certain that Rand will always do what he feels is right for Jolie and that he Loves her with all of his heart. That being said Sinjin is the bad boy who hides all of his feeling but you can tell that he loves Jolie...what else is up his sleeve you never really know. Getting to step outside of the story where Jolie hasn't even met Rand so that Jolie gets that little tryst with Sinjin for me was great! This book is full of twists and turns and gives the reader just what they want. I couldn't put this book down reading it well after my bed time just to finish. If you haven't read this series You Should the story and character building will make you really care about all of the characters and what happens to them even some of the bad guys make you kinda like them.