A review by m_brooks
The Cage by Megan Shepherd


Cora, Lucky, Leon, Rok and Rolf are not where they are suppose to be. None of them understand where they are or who brought them here, and why so many different environments can be so close to each other.

When they enter the empty town littered with places replicated from different cultures and strange black windows, they soon find out how far away from home they really are and otherworldly captors are keeping them locked up-cage like for examination and observation.

While the other attempt to settle in and follow the three rules to stay alive:

They all must follow three rules
1. Figure out the puzzles in each habitat for tokens
2. Take care of themselves and stay healthy
3. Procreate

Cora doesn't believe that this is the end for them and attempts to make a run for it. The only thing is, she has to make the others believe that its better to go back home than stay in this cage

My Review

I'm a bit torn with this book, while I loved the idea of caged up humans and the world building was thoroughly and interestingly thought-through, I had a tough time really enjoying the book and getting interested in the characters well-being. The pacing was slight slow moving, but major plots points were well spaced and detailed enough to leave enough to the imagination and not continue for pages. The book was told from multiple points of view with Cora's being the main focus and although I sometimes do get confused between characters in these types of books, I actually enjoyed the different voices and being able to see how each of them felt and responded to their environment. The multiple POV also help execute each characters secrets and their change in personalities in their current environment.
I really liked the cover it's very eye catching and follows with the book concept and while it doesn't have that sci-fi feel it still captures that sense of captivity and caught somewhere foreign.

Personally for me the book fell flat with the characters, none of them were really memorable except for maybe Mali, but she also didn't have a huge role or create many pivotal moments like I thought she would. I couldn't see Cora as the protagonist, but I also couldn't see anyone else either. There was no thought into her escape plan, which I could understand in the beginning to being so desperate to leave. But even after failed attempts there wasn't any regrouping to figure out a new plan and with no outside forces playing into or affecting her escape plan it all seemed pointless. Lucky and Leon had great potential as secondary characters, as both her driving force and wall, but I personally felt that they haven't been explored enough yet. Hopefully the characters will grow more in the next book to at least feel that they are invested in escaping their cages, bother personal and physical.
While a interesting concept,full of secrets it left very to little in rooting for the characters survival.
It will be interesting to see what happens next and whether we get more out of the characters and see what's happened to Earth