A review by isabellarobinson7
Too Long a Sacrifice by Scott Tipton, David Tipton


This "review" is going to be like 90% pictures from the graphic novel. I have tried to crop out speech bubbles that give away too much about the story and put the images in random order to avoid spoilers… though I assume not that many people are worried about spoilers for this kind of thing

Rating: 3 stars

Too Long a Sacrifice is a mystery solving story with Odo (who else) at the centre. But the first mystery I had to solve was when exactly this story takes place in the Deep Space Nine TV show timeline. I first assumed it was around the latter half of season 6-ish because of the war (and uniforms) but Kira looks like she does in season 7. Observe: That's her season 7 hair, right? But this can't take place during season 7 because Jadzia looks like, well, Jadzia. And then the plot thickens, because half way through Kira switches back to her season 1-6 hair (minus the pilot):Whaaaaaat????? My investigation was inconclusive. No idea when this takes place.

Also, Odo always uses his shapeshifting powers way more in the expanded universe stories than the actual show. (Here's him shapeshifting:)Maybe this was just because of budget early in the show, but then there’s that episode with Lars where Odo talks about not wanting to shift in front of solid because it reminds them of his people, and that's season 6/7 (can't remember).

Now I seemed to be proficient at spotting weird faces in the background of the graphic novel adaptions of The Eye of the World, including and commenting on them for the vast majority of their respective reviews. To this day, I still enjoy going back and rereading those reviews to get a good chuckle out of all the odd expressions the characters had when they were not the main focus of the illustration. When I started to see a similar thing happening here, the ebook copy I was reading was just too screenshot-able to pass up the opportunity. Maybe I’ve watched to much Star Trek recently but the faces looked a little off. So here we go. We're doing it again (even if it's just me who gets this far).

First we have this Bajoran lady whose face looks like it has been painted by Picasso:Yes I know we have to get her nose ridges there and everything, but still. She looks strange.

Also they kind of gave Bashir a beard for a bit?? He has a beard in this image and you can't convince me otherwise. That's not shading. That's stubble. This ain't no mirror universe. My Dr. Bashir is clean shaven.

Then we have this picture: You can probably deduce, my dear Watson, who these people are (couldn't resist). This kind of quality would be forgiving if it was in the background, but this beautiful illustration is right up close.

Ok, a break from the weird faces, let's look at something good: Worf. Worf looks really good.Look at that! That is a perfect illustration of a Klingon.

Oh, and also Kira looked a bit... larger than normal in this picture:Yes it might be the angle, but she looks weird to me. (Again, you can see from the speech bubble that this image is well in the foreground.)

And now I saved the best for last: there’s a bird guy.
Now, to my recollection there has been no bird aliens on Star Trek (I may be wrong) but that doesn’t matter. There is now. There is a bird guy in Star Trek. He is my new favourite character. Forget Data, Bird Guy is my new obsession. I may or may not have been dancing around the house this morning sing “Bird Guy” in place of "Batman" in the na na na na na na song.

Anyway, this is no criticism towards the illustrator, despite what it might seem, because I know for a fact that if I did the illustrations, it would be 10× worse. No, ∞ times worse.

Ok!!!! That is all! This review deserves it own Goodreads slot so that anyone who made it this far can put it towards their reading goal. If no one made it this far, that's equally as fine. If so, hello future me!