A review by lovetolovebooks
Big Ben by Nana Malone


Big Ben...
Equal parts James Bond vibes, secret societies, and workplace romance. This book was so much freaking fun! I knew I was going to love this book beacuse on page two it made me cackle. Not laugh. Cackle. Maybe it's just my immature humor but c'mon..."Statue Dick"!
I listened to the audiobook which I highly recommend because the narrators did such a fantastic job. Do you love men with accents? Then yeah this audiobook is for you.
Ben is part of a secret society called the Elite, but years ago something bad happened. One of his best friends Toby was killed by his fellow brothers inside the Elite. So Ben and a group of his closest friends are out to find the truth and seek revenge for Toby. Along the way, he meets Olivia. He has to leave a USB drive full of information in Olivia's purse at a party, but after the coast is clear he comes back and is willing to use all of his charms to get it back from her. But Olivia is on to him and will not release it back to him that easily. What follows is a cat and mouse game. They form a good friendship and workplace relationship, but they can only ignore their attraction to one another for so long...
All the while enemies are waiting and watching them both in the shadows.
Nana's writing will hook you, make you crave more, and also bring a blush upon those cheeks. I'm so glad that the third and final book is coming out soon because I'm gonna need to binge books two and three soon. The ending of Big Ben? I'm scared.
So does Big Ben live up to his name? Read for yourself and find out ;)
Overall rating 4 stars
Steaminess 3 stars
CW- scenes of violence/fighting