A review by moshikami
Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson


After finishing Gardens of the Moon, I was looking forward to exploring the Malazan universe further, and Deadhouse Gates did not disappoint. From the beginning of the book, DG's writing is more polished and captivating than GotM's.
DG takes place on a different continent than GotM and introduces many new characters, while still following a few from GotM. Due to this, beginning to read DG was almost as intimidating as beginning to read GotM, though the knowledge of Malazan lore imparted by reading GotM did help somewhat.
I love how deep and detailed the Malazan universe is, and I love the overall bleak tone of the story.
“Children are dying."
Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.”

This is one of the most popular quotes from the series and it does an excellent job of portraying the overall atmosphere of the novels thus far. Steven Erikson disperses social commentary and plays with moral ambiguity throughout his writing which adds to the book's depth. I enjoyed getting to know Fiddler as a character more in Deadhouse Gates, and I found his constant pondering of his cosmic insignificance to be refreshing and relatable. Kalam is also a BAD-ASS, his action scenes were very fun and exciting to read. He's my Malazan crush so far >////<.
Idk man, this series is just so exciting and there's so much to it and I love it a lot so far and aslkd;fjasl;dkfjasldf; it's fun to be on the precipice of such an amazing journey. I love the high fantasy elements because they encourage me to use my imagination to its maximum potential. I love how I haven't already seen a TV show of this that spoiled everything and clouded my mind with its portrayal of the characters and world.
Wow, I said "love" a lot in this review! I love Malazan <3, I can't wait to read Memories of Ice.