A review by dyno8426
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins


Every day for the past week, I was looking eagerly to get back to this page turner as soon as I could at the end of the day. It is a highly engaging mystery-thriller with a gripping plot, with the same intellectual intensity and dexterity in characters like Sherlock Holmes' fictions. The author also imparts that Gothic experience to it by composing the narrative structure from the different psychological perspectives, with a Victorian writing style which assists such multidimensional explanations of people and situations as to make it thoroughly insightful. The romance within the story has these horrifying, dark aspects which are common to Gothic fictions. The author also points to the barbarism and mysteries which exist in our seemingly civilized societies through the unnatural events connected with the story. And Count Fosco turned out to be one of the most memorable villains that I've come across in fiction, representing evil in such a manner which couldn't be helped but admired while loathing it.