A review by readingwithmygoldens
Bird Count by Susan Edwards Richmond


I couldn't have requested this fast enough and I was so glad when I was approved. We are so fortunate in our house to have many windows to watch the birds and animals go about their daily activities. My 2 year old daughter LOVES birds. I'm happy to say this book is wonderful for her and encourages adult/child together time as well!

Ava and her mother participate in the Christmas Bird Count each year. They head out early in the morning with a group and mark down all the birds they see. The illustrations are wonderful (the birds look real) and assist in helping to cement the names to the type of bird it is.

There are so many things to love about this book. 1) An appreciation for nature and the world around us 2) I had no idea the CBC existed and I would love to become involved as a citizen scientist 3) Learning about birds 4) I loved the summary of each bird found in the book at the end. It highlighted educational things that I wasn't always aware of and lastly, 4) the author's note. I really enjoyed learning about the author's inspiration for the book and her history of the CBC!

I highly encourage you check this book out. Read it to your kids! Give it away as a gift. It's a great way to get outside (or look outside when it's too cold) and appreciate the world around us! **(I will make a quick sidenote: while this book is great for anyone, it specifically mentions birds in the Northeast US, so if you live outside that area it might not be as exciting because those birds aren't local to you. I live in Buffalo, NY so the birds present in this book are birds we see everyday!)

Thank you to Netgalley, Myrick Marketing & Media, LLC & Susan Edwards Richmond for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this adorable book!

Review Date: 5/8/19
Publication Date: 10/1/19