A review by tackysapphic
Two Nights in Lisbon by Chris Pavone


(Originally posted to goodreads)
2.5 rounded up. I really did not like how a scene would just cut off abruptly with an em dash and then jump to another set of characters in that same moment Or a flashback. Not my favorite type of storytelling. Also just not a huge fan of the way women are written in this book, or the fact that I had to read some iteration of “this generation and their phones, stupid kids” every couple of pages. Like come on. On some level I understand the character’s distain for modern tech (no privacy), but after a certain point it just feels ridiculous. I appreciate the attempt the author was making in writing this, pointing out the injustice sexual assault victims face and how women are gaslit about things like that, so credit for that I suppose. I just overall was not a fan of the general execution of the story. If anything I feel like it would work better as like a movie but idk it just wasn’t for me.

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