A review by mandys_bookshelf
Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


This book definitely took me a lot longer to finish then the first one, but I did enjoy it just as much even though it may have taken me longer to read. now I can say this book is definitely a lot heavier than the first one as it deals with a little bit more of a darker content with Addie being kidnapped and being held in human trafficking. It was definitely something I expected but when reading it, it was a lot to process, and therefore it took me longer to get through at least for the first half of the book. I definitely felt a stronger emotional connection to the characters in this book as you get to see a deeper side to the characters with their emotions and the way they’re dealing with the situation they’ve been put into. The first half of this book with seeing Addie in such a difficult situation, was definitely hard after making such a connection with her in the first book, and then seeing her thrust into such a painful position it makes you feel sad and hurt for her. But also seeing Zade during this time and seeing him spiral, because of how broken, he feels without Addie Definitely hurt mentally to see that. I was definitely celebrating and excited when Zayd found Addie but it’s the same time you know that Addie has been in such a painful situation that it has broken her down. You know that there’s going to forever be a block in her mind that is going to remember the situation that she was in and it’s going to take her a long time to learn to trust and to heal but also to be able to reconnect with Zade. I know that after such a long time in a situation like she was in that she’s never going to be 100% back to normal but that she’s going to have to learn to be in her new normal. I think this book tremendously built more on the characters emotions, and you really got to see the role and open side to these characters. I also liked seeing some of the new characters come into this book that weren’t in the last book, but also seeing more character development for some of the characters that were in the last book, like Sibby, and getting to see a little bit more of a different side of Sibby and learning about, some of her background. I can’t wait to get into Sibby‘s book and learn a little bit more about her life. But overall I did thoroughly enjoy this book even though it may have been difficult to read and I’m definitely looking forward to seeing more books that have connections to the cat and mouse duo.