A review by herdaziandoggo
Fated Born by Kristin L. Hamblin, Kristin L. Hamblin


The Fated Born is a story of Ardenis, a Pre-Mortal being from the realm of “Acantha”. The Acanthian are a people who experience the human life from outside, and decide to be “born” when their instincts tell them that it's time.
Acantha is a perfect society. The Acanthians live in an ideal and efficient way until they decide to take birth as human beings. Or so it seems…
Enter Ardenis, a “Watcher Fater”. His day job involves looking at human life - observing them and learning from them. One fine day, he does something vile and completely despicable (according to the Acanthian tradition), he sees the love of two humans. And that’s when things take a turn for the worse. He starts to FEEL things. He starts to see the flaws of the society he lives in and the invisible hand of oppression hanging over it. And worst of all, he falls in love…

The author has built a world that is interesting and intriguing. The reader basically follows two stories; the story of Ardenis and his struggle with newfound emotions he has no idea what to do with; and the story of Eva, her lose and regaining of love.
Of course, ‘Love” is the name of the game here and the author has truly shown her writing prowess in that regard. The two romances in the novel are beautifully written and are as believable as they can get.
The other element is “emotions”. Ardenis’ journey from a neutral divine being to someone prone to emotions is something to behold.
The book really likes to hurt the reader. There are scenes in the book that would just hit you in the gut.
All in all, a great debut book that has introduced me to a world I would definitely love to see more of in the future.