A review by kp_hobbitreads
Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson


Tress of the Emerald Sea: ★★★★★ | 5 stars

I really had no idea what to expect when I went into this, but if Brandon Sanderson writes it I'm probably going to read it. Especially when it's been inspired by The Princess Bride. And, I'm so glad I did. This book was a delight from start to finish.

Tress has spent her entire life on a tiny island in the middle of the Emerald Sea. She never dreamed of adventure, preferring to collect her cups and hear their stories from Charlie (who is absolutely a groundskeeper and not the son of a duke). But, when Charlie is captured the Sorceress of the Midnight Sea, Tress realizes that she can't just wait around and hope he comes back to her. She's going to have to rescue him herself. And, so she sets out on the adventure she never wanted - but finds that maybe it was exactly the adventured she needed.

I'm a sucker for a fantasy story where the main character is just a regular person. They don't secretly have magic, they're not the "chosen one", and they haven't been training with a sword since childhood. They are just someone who finds themselves in a situation they never expected, and are just trying to do their best. And, Tress is exactly that. She's a normal girl who just wants to save her friend because she realizes nobody else is going to. I really loved her character development over the course of the story (she grows and changes as one does on an adventure), but the core of who she is as a person doesn't which I think is really lovely.

And, the found family vibes? *chef's kiss* Fort, Salay, Ann, Huck, and, of course, Ulaam are all fantastic characters who add so much to the story. Plus, Hoid as the narrator really sets the tone in a way that works to its advantage. This is a fairytale story - and it's told like one. It feels whimsical and funny, but also full of deep friendship and love.

Three Things:
1. I loved the Deaf representation in this book (and especially that there was a sensitivity reader utilized to make sure the rep was good/not harmful.)
2. Sanderson's magic systems are always super unique and interesting. But, I especially loved the spores in this - and the idea of ships sailing on them is so cool.
3. If you are an audiobook reader, I definitely recommend it for this book. Michael Kramer does a wonderful job of bringing this story to life. I listened to the narration while I read along to the ebook, and I think that really increased my immersion and enjoyment.

Basically what I'm saying is this: this story is fantastic, and you should definitely be reading it. What are you waiting for? Go...now.

content warnings: drugging, kidnapping, captivity, violence, body horror, blood, murder, death, terminal illness (fantasy version), slavery