A review by mattpfarr
Paycheck by Philip K. Dick


A man is hired to work as a mechanic for two years and as a precaution to their secrets his mind is wiped clean when he is done. He finds that instead of receiving pay he opted to receive a bag of random items but he doesn't know why.

I really did not enjoy this. It seemed to slog along pretty slowly and there was really no suspense. The idea was pretty interesting but lost its interest. The items from the bag were called "trinkets" and I couldn't take it seriously; some of their uses were pretty bad. The story just wasn't executed well and then the ended was horrid. Not very believable. Which is sad since the ending is not at all crazy. It got worse when he basically made a comment that the female interest would be bearing his children. They didn't have an established relationship. If he really made that leap in his mind, he is pretty psychotic.